Styli for Luxor record players and catridges

The following lists all styli for Luxor that we stock. You will probally find it easiest to find your stylus by looking at the pictures below. Otherwise you may view the Record Player / System Index or the Cartridge Index for Luxor.

Stylus N 712Buy Now Luxor Record Player Systems

Luxor Cartridges
2T-N4 LP/78, NTO10 LP/78, NTO7 LP/78, NTO8 LP/78, P132D LP/78, P133D LP/78, P226D LP/78, P227D LP/78, P228D LP/78, P229D LP/78, TN04 LP/78, TN08 LP/78

Stylus N 027Buy Now Luxor Record Player Systems

Luxor Cartridges

Stylus N 030Buy Now Luxor Record Player Systems

Luxor Cartridges

Stylus N 124Buy Now Luxor Record Player Systems

Luxor Cartridges
Calrad, Calrad, Luxor 65966, Luxor SR/LP, SC501, ST7, STP2, Victor, Y201

Stylus N 028Buy Now Luxor Record Player Systems

Luxor Cartridges